Lost Halo 2 Audio Clips

A good friend who has a connection at Bungie.net just sent me these audio files. Apparently during the making of Halo 2 they had to scale back on how much audio they could include in the multiplayer game because of bandwidth constraits. Zillionaire got them and we’re gonna leak them on the Internet. No one has ever heard these before.

  1. When you’d get a kill, chop up the body and put it in your freezer, you were supposed to have heard:
  2. When you’re twenty years older than all your opponents and you’d get a kill, you’d hear this:
  3. When you would throw a sticky grenade on someone’s throat, this should have played:
  4. For when you crouch-walk around Midship with a sword getting cheap kills, you’d hear:
  5. The rare grand slam in Halo 2–getting four cold-cocks in a row, taking down an entire enemy team, you’d hear this during the melee:

It’s a shame these didn’t make it into the game. We encourage you to use them online now in either training mode or ranked combat.

Have you heard of any other leaked sayings for Halo 2? If so, leave them in the comments.

6 thoughts on “Lost Halo 2 Audio Clips”

  1. Absolutly hilarious. First of all these are unbelievable. I wish the cold cock one was in the game. All of them are great. Leave it to DA to make up a fake friend in the bungie company. It’s just part of your quest to replace us all with cyber nerds. Anyway How about the audio for when you beat down the same guy three times in a row in fistacular. “Yo adrian I did it.”
    And I wish I’d heard this after I double killed to high voiced teenagers, “Newbie sandwich oh yeah”

  2. For all of my coldcocking prowess, I’ve never executed four in a row. I’ve pulled countless double cocks, and a smattering of triple cocks, but never the elusive “cock a doodle doo.” I now have something to shoot for… And should I oneday complete five in a row? That’s deserves a “Cock of the walk!”

    And ten in a row? “Rock out with your cock out!”

    Don’t forget these others… (this is a formal request to have these made into audio files as well…)

    1. When two players simultaneously draw laser swords: “I see your Schwartz is as big as mine!”

    2. When you board an enemy vehicle (this is one they should actually use): “Carjack!!”

    3. Taking flight in a Banshee: “I’ve got a need for speed!”

    4. When you notch repeated kills with a sniper rifle: “Disgruntled Postman”

  3. we do have unused out takes. if anyone wants to hear them, say something in this comment. we’ll post more. or if you don’t care, that’s cool too, we’ll probably still post more.

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