Shotgun Wedding

Consider this an arranged marriage…

Fellow Zillionaires, tonight I give you the opportunity to cast your eyes on your future soulmate.

Tune in to MTV this evening for the unveiling of the next generation of the Xbox, the temptress that each of us will be exchanging vows with this holiday season…

9 thoughts on “Shotgun Wedding”

  1. The 360 looks slick. I’ll buy it just for the wireless controllers. Sony slept in too long with the PS2 and it’s gonna kill ’em. Can’t wait for Perfect Dark Zero…

  2. come on Peewee, not even a response about how much the PS sucks? You must be working too much or something.

  3. Here’s the lowdown Krusty… the PS3 is going to be way better and the x-box temptress is going to be as much of a temptress as Kristy Ruffle.

  4. Bailes I can’t believe you just used a Kristi Ruffle referecnce. That was awesome. However we all know that the PS3 is going to be the volkswagen beetle of the video game world. It has a lot of flash and will be a hot fad for valley girls and gay men. The XBOX 360 will be the rolls royce leading all the world into the next era of video games. I’m sorry Bailes but your just a step behind. Come on and join the masculin men of America buy an XBOX.

  5. Yes, I suppose some commentary is in order…

    I can understand the allegiance to a video game system. I thought I would be a Nintendo man until the day I died. Then one day, inexplicably, I woke up and realized that jumping on toadstools and riding around on Yoshii just wasn’t that sweet anymore…

    Someday, Bailes, you too may tire of racing around as Sonic the Hedgehog or playing the role of Crash Bandicoot. The playstation had a good run, but the future clearly belongs to the Xbox franchise. Hey, some people still cling to their VCR, while the rest of society has moved onto DVD’s. That’s your choice…

    But this fall, the Xbox 360 allows all Zillionaires to unite and pledge their allegiance to a single video game system. Those choosing to cling to the old Playstation format will only be ostracized…

  6. Also, supposedly you’ll be able to hook up webcams to watch your friends during gameplay. Unfortunately, this will likely mean I’ll have to stop playing Xbox in the nude…

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