I’m A Mexican


I’ve travelled all around the world and without a doubt I get asked 97% of the time if I’m Mexican or Spanish. I have nothing against Mexicans, but I don’t speak Spanish so it gets tricky when I’m constanly bombarded with Spanish speaking folk. Here’s a recent interaction from my taxi driver on the way to the airport.

Driver: Hey amigo, you speak Spanish.

Me: Nah.

15 minutes go by and I say nothing.

Driver: Where you flying?

Me: Mexico.

I’m not making this up. I was headed to Cancun to play in a festival.

Driver: Ok amigo, enjoy your trip.

Me: Gracias senor.

Experimental Pizza Hut Crust Flavors


Ten bucks some marketing guy has pitched all of these experimental crust flavors to Pizza Hut at some point.

Dessert crust flavors:

  • pudding
  • oreo
  • cookie dough
  • candy corn
  • candy cane

International crust flavors:

  • gyoza
  • borscht
  • ayahuasca

Fast-food partnership crust flavors:

  • KFC biscuit
  • Olive Garden All-You-Can-Eat breadstick
  • Señor Frog’s margarita
  • Animatronic Chuck-E-Cheese theater show

Circumstantial crust flavors of the past (where and when available):

Locally-sourced crust alternatives (where available):

  • fried iguana skins (Galapagos Islands)

My Two Pizza Dads

My Two Pizza Dads

You guys, I like pizza. Like, I really like pizza. Like, I probably need to go on Maury Povich and have him do one of those paternity tests to figure out who my real dad is. Like, is it Papa Murphy or Papa John? They are my two pizza dads.

Is this weird? Sometimes, I’ll call in a Papa John’s so I can have it hot and ready while I am picking up my take-n-bake from Papa Murphy’s. I mean, like, how could I play favorites with family? At least it is easier when we all go visit my Grandpa and Grandma John-Murphy on Thanksgiving. Believe it or not, they are allergic to pizza so we just eat cut up vegetables with ranch dip.

I am on every pizza chain’s email list. I’ve got thousands of old emails in my gmail account from Domino’s, Pizza Hut, Little Caesar’s, Roundtable Pizza, Godfather’s, and my two pizza dads, of course. Each and every day I am sitting in the usual web-ready position (mouse in hand) and am constantly getting excited for new mail only to find it’s Papa John’s tempting me with their newest promotion.  Too bad it’s never for something I want, like say, pizza. Instead, they keep sending me emails showcasing “buffalo wings” or “lava cakes” or a “big cookie.” It’s true I like the convenience of buying pizza online, but I hate the inconvenience of being notified of the convenience.

Possible Papa John’s Slogans (some NSFW)

  • You’ll pop a boner for Papa John’s!
  • Hot-N-Ready. Not take-n-bake.
  • Uncle Dave makes a killer Papa John’s!
  • Cuz Murphy’s gives you herpes.

If these thoughts on pizza interested you, I’d like to remind you of my other musings on the subject from the Internet Zillionaire archives.

Possible NFL Expansion Teams (According to My Wife)

The NFL isn’t really an expansion league, but my wife has a few ideas for new team names in case it ever decides to grow. During the Monday Night Football game she came up with this list:

  • Idaho Potatoes
  • Oregon Explorers
  • Utah Missionaries
  • Nevada Slot Machines
  • Delaware Rest Stops
  • Vermont Covered Bridges
  • New Hampshire Freeloaders
  • Connecticut Commuters
  • New Jersey Landfills
  • Tennessee Blues
  • Georgia Onmyminds
  • Detroit Condemned

I’d love to see the logos of these teams. Any artists out there?