The Xbox Headset Graveyard

Xbox Headset Gaveyard

A long time ago I spoke of the daily battle of life. C’mon, you remember. The grueling pursuit to secure a small portion of sanity during our brief stay in this cruel world. You know, the one where our only hope is to shine as bright as possible while the dwindling fuse of the cosmic big bang burns down. Ring any bells yet?

Well the thing is, I forgot to pay tribute in that commentary to the fallen soldiers, our gone but not forgotten comrades. In other words, those whose necks have already been guillotined by the sharp steel blade of time. In that vast sea of corpses, I know of no product or commodity that has seen a worse fate than that of the original Xbox Communicator headset. The number of casualties is astounding, yet profound and inspiring at the same time. But the struggle continues and I know for a fact that right now, as I type this, more death and disfigurement is underway.

Look within yourselves Zillionaires, for now is a moment of reflection, reverence, and respect for the dead and wounded. I present the Xbox Headset Graveyard photo gallery:

The Chizzler’s Headset

Chizzler's Headset
War is ugly and this photo proves it. A mixture human hair, skunk fur, muck, and duct tape keep headset together at the moment. I feel half dead just wearing it.

Send me photos of your dead or dying headsets and I’ll add them to this post. Or post an epitaph in the comments. Rest in peace, Xbox Communicators.

Forgotten Top Five

I was going to post this yesterday but I forgot. Without further ado, the top five things I forget the most:

5. Immediate family members’ birthdays.

Sad but true. I can, however, confirm that Ben Affleck’s birthday is August 15. Unexplainable.

4. How to count backwards from five.

This is not normal but apparently is true because I just typed a 3 over on the left and then had to hit delete and type a 4. Weird.

3. My problems.

While I technically don’t forget them, I do bath and wash them in alcohol nightly to try to forget them!

2. I don’t like to spread butter on most things.

While I don’t forget this, my mom does. She always forgets that I don’t like butter on my pancakes, french toast, bread, etc. She is so surprised every time I say “no thanks” to the butter. Then I always get really upset and start crying about how my mother doesn’t know who I am or love me. It’s awkward, but I really don’t like butter Mom! Accept me for who I am!

1. Things happening in your life that you think are important and that you have shared with me in confidence at some point.

I’m sorry, but I kinda spaced it. But I’m not a bad guy darnit. I’ll pretend I remember exactly what’s going on and even ask some vague but inquisitive type of questions. Bear with me, alright!

Lost Halo 2 Audio Clips

A good friend who has a connection at just sent me these audio files. Apparently during the making of Halo 2 they had to scale back on how much audio they could include in the multiplayer game because of bandwidth constraits. Zillionaire got them and we’re gonna leak them on the Internet. No one has ever heard these before.

  1. When you’d get a kill, chop up the body and put it in your freezer, you were supposed to have heard:
  2. When you’re twenty years older than all your opponents and you’d get a kill, you’d hear this:
  3. When you would throw a sticky grenade on someone’s throat, this should have played:
  4. For when you crouch-walk around Midship with a sword getting cheap kills, you’d hear:
  5. The rare grand slam in Halo 2–getting four cold-cocks in a row, taking down an entire enemy team, you’d hear this during the melee:

It’s a shame these didn’t make it into the game. We encourage you to use them online now in either training mode or ranked combat.

Have you heard of any other leaked sayings for Halo 2? If so, leave them in the comments.

One-liners from Suburbia

I heard that McDonald’s is genetically-engineering chickens to lay little packets of bar-b-q sauce.

I love that K-mart has a tiny Little Caesar’s pizza place inside it, but I’d really love to see a huge Little Caesar’s with a little K-mart inside.

Keep them coming. I’m trying to write a Mitch Hedberg-esque act with this type of humor.